starcrossed roles
Without you, this ship never leaves port. Your reasons for learning to fly and finding a job working for the Company are your own - but you can’t deny the thrill of blasting through the stratosphere. You can hold your own in a fight, a skill learned through many outer space bar brawls. (2 DMG per rotation)
Starting Ability: Reckless - for 1 CP, you can charge in to a situation recklessly. If you succeed at the exercise challenge, you’ll do more damage or get an extra effect - but you’ll suffer a setback of some kind.
One day, you decided to enlist in the elite fighting force of the Marines to get off your home world. You learned a lot in the ways of combat - even if you’re not the most charming person anyone’s ever met. You can equip heavier weaponry than your comrades, giving you a distinct advantage when things go sideways. (3 DMG per rotation)
Starting Ability: Endure - for 1 CP, you can ignore any damage that would put you below 0 HP. The damage will catch up to you after the next round unless you receive medical attention.
You set out to explore the unknown… so you could know it and tell others. You are on the team to gather data and report new things to the Company - but there might be a few things you keep to yourself. (1 DMG per rotation)
Starting Ability: Amplify - for 1 CP, your allies’ abilities become heightened, enabling them to do more damage in combat or escape dangerous situations.
At the heart of every expeditionary team is a healer. You make sure everyone is good to go and patch up any injuries. They’re grateful for you, even if they don’t express it all the time. They won’t get far without you anyway. (1 DMG per rotation)
Starting Ability: Field Dress - for 1 CP, you can restore a Hit Point to one of your allies. If you have medikits, add an extra Hit Point to it’s healing properties.
You’re the boss - at least, that’s what it says on your paperwork. It’s your job to lead this ragtag group to fulfill the Company’s goals, and get them their paychecks. Your leadership style is yours to decide - but you’ll suffer the consequences of failure. (2 DMG per rotation)
Starting Ability: Leadership - for 1 CP, you can direct your crew to avoid risky situations. Mechanic exercises are reduced.
You’re on the crew because everything isn’t always peaches and cream. Sometimes, you have to get your hands dirty and make something work when it shouldn’t. Your crew may turn their noses at how you smell after a job, but they sure do appreciate the ship’s engine running. (2 DMG per rotation)
Starting Ability: Craft - for 1 CP, you can forge an Item from materials you find on your expedition or fix a broken object.