
The following battery of tests will define your fitness and guide your journey going forward. Perform them in order, and follow the rest times as closely as possible.



Set up with the standard pushup position with the hands and toes touching the floor and the body in a straight line from shoulders to heels. Lower your body towards the floor until the elbows are at least bent to 90 degrees, then return to the beginning position. Repeat for one minute. Refer to the following table to determine your score.

Attribute Score | Repetitions

10 | 42 or more

9 | 38-41

8 | 33-37

7 | 28-32

6 | 23-27

5 | 18-22

4 | 12-17

3 | 8-11

2 | 2-7

1 | 0-1


Start by finding a chair or similar target that allows you to bend your knees to ninety degrees when you squat down to it. Hinge at the hips, bend your knees and lower your body until you barely touch your target. Return to the start position and repeat as many times as you can in one minute. Refer to the following table to determine your score.

Attribute Score | Repetitions

10 | 44 or more

9 | 40-43

8 | 35-39

7 | 31-34

6 | 26-30

5 | 22-25

4 | 17-21

3 | 13-16

2 | 8-12

1 | 8 or fewer

Combine your two Attribute Scores and divide by 2 to find your total STRENGTH score. Record it on your Character Sheet!


Your Endurance attribute is a measure of your ability to perform cardiovascular activity, as well as your ability to recover from that activity. For this test, we chose a test to measure your recovery after a short bout of exercise.

The Test of Endurance is a three-minute step test.

Begin by finding a stair step or a similarly-sized box or fitness step (12 inches high is the standard, but any step will do).

Set a timer for three minutes and begin stepping in an up, up, down, down pattern. The foot you lead with doesn’t matter, as long as it remains the same throughout the test. Maintain a steady, challenging rhythm for the full three minutes.

When the time is up, take your pulse and count your heartbeats for sixty seconds. You can find your pulse by pressing your index and middle finger on either side of your neck just below your jaw, or by pressing on your wrist. Practice finding your pulse before the test so that you can get the most accurate count.

You can also capture this information at the end of the minute using a heart rate monitor or fitness tracker, but know that it may be a little off depending on the device.

Refer to the following table to determine your score. Record it on your Character Sheet!

Attribute Score | Total Heartbeats

10 | 85 or fewer

9 | 86 - 91

8 | 92 - 97

7 | 98 - 103

6 | 104 - 109

5 | 110 - 115

4 | 116 - 121

3 | 122 - 127

2 | 128 - 133

1 | 134 or greater


Your Agility attribute reflects your ability to sprint, stop, start, and change direction. To test this, we use the Quadrant Jump test.

To set this test up, you will need two, three-foot lengths of masking tape or a similar divider. Make a cross on the floor with the tape and stand in the lower left quadrant that is formed. On 3,2,1,GO jump with both feet into the quadrant in front of you. Then, jump to the right, jump back, and jump left to return to the start. Record the maximum number of jumps completed in 15 seconds. Rest 30 seconds, and repeat the test backwards. Your final score is the sum of the two tests.

Refer to the following table to determine your score. Record it on your Character Sheet!

Attribute Score | Total Jumps

10 | 95 or more

9 | 85-94

8 | 75-84

7 | 65-74

6 | 55-64

5 | 45-54

4 | 35-44

3 | 25-34

2 | 15-24

1 | 14 or fewer



Start by laying face up with your knees bent at ninety degrees, your hands on your thighs and your feet flat on the floor. Squeeze your core muscles and slide your hands up your legs until you can touch your knees. Return to the start position and repeat as many times as you can in one minute.

Refer to the following table to determine your score.

Attribute Score | Repetitions

10 | 47 or more

9 | 44-46

8 | 41-43

7 | 38-40

6 | 35-37

5 | 32-34

4 | 29-31

3 | 26-28

2 | 23-25

1 | 22 or fewer


Place forearms on the floor with elbows aligned below shoulders and arms parallel to your body at about shoulder width. If flat palms bother your wrists, clasp your hands together. Hold a plank position with only your forearms and toes supporting your body, imagining a straight line connecting your shoulders to your heels.

Perform the plank for maximum time in seconds, and refer to the following table to determine your score.

Attribute Score | Total Time (in seconds)

10 | 210 s or longer

9 | 180-209s

8 | 150-179s

7 | 120-149 s

6 | 90-119 s

5 | 60-89 s

4 | 45-59 s

3 | 30-44 s

2 | 15-29 s

1 | <15 seconds

Combine your two Attribute Scores and divide by 2 to find your total CORE score. Record it on your Character Sheet!

you’re all set!

Record the date that you performed these tests and retest in 90 days or when you hit an experience threshold, whichever comes first!