
Want to experience the new Critical Fit before anyone else? Sign up for our closed alpha today!

Over the last three years, we’ve presented Critical Fit as a way to quantify your fitness and improve it over time, like a role-playing game. We’ve been overwhelmed by the amount of people that have adopted the program and even modified it to work with their group. But, we’ve also been listening to your comments and concerns.

There’s a few things we wanted to improve in the Critical Fit experience:

  • A game-like feel. You want to be able to complete dungeons and defeat monsters, and we want to give that to you.

  • Ways to track your progress. Outside of the leveling tests, you couldn’t track levels and see your progress over time. We’re fixing that.

  • More things to do. “What else can I do?” you asked. We’ve added new quests, a storyline, and will deliver new content on a regular schedule.

  • A solo-play focus. Most of us work out alone, and want to embark on our own journey of self-improvement. We appreciate that, and have designed this version of Critical Fit to be played primarily solo.

So, we’d like to invite you to experience something that we’re lovingly calling Critical Fit Online. We have been working hard behind the scenes to create what we truly think is the world’s best fitness RPG. We need your help and feedback to make it the best it can possibly be. By signing up for the alpha, your feedback will directly influence the development of the final game, which is slated for full release Holiday 2020.

Here’s what you’ll need to participate:

  1. An active Discord account. We’ll be organizing the community and posting all necessary reference materials there.

  2. A set of Fudge dice. Regular d6’s can also be used, or you can use an online Fudge dice roller like this one.

  3. Three days per week to work out. No equipment is necessary, and you can complete the workouts either at home or at the gym.

We’ll be running the alpha for a limited number of participants in starting June 8th, lasting for about 1 month. All updates will be provided through the Discord!

Ready to sign up? Click the button to start your journey!