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welcome to the arena.

Critical Fit Arena (CFA) is a fast-paced, team-based fitness game focused on clearing exercise objectives with your friends. Inspired by both boot-camp style fitness games and our favorite battle arena games, CFA evokes the chaotic energy of schoolyard games and the structure of organized sports.

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so how do i play?

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set up the arena

Critical Fit Arena is played on a square field, with each side measuring 60 feet. Play at a gym, a local park, or even your yard. Soccer fields, baseball diamonds and tennis courts can be adapted to work for CFA.

Set up bases on opposite corners, and use some type of marker for the objectives.

The official measurements are:

Middle Lane: 84 feet, 10 inches.

Sides of the square: 60 feet.

Distance between objectives in top and bottom lane: 15 feet

Distance between objectives in middle lane: 14 feet

form a team

Critical Fit Arena will test your Strength, Endurance, Agility, and Core. Each of the lanes will be themed around a particular fitness attribute. Put together a team of three and pick a base!




The game starts with the two three-person teams standing in their respective base. Each team has an opportunity to see the lane travel exercises and the exercise challenges for planning purposes. Each player then picks a lane for this round.

At the count of “3,2,1, GO” both teams begin to travel down their respective lanes. Once they reach the first objective of the opposite team (past the midway point for top and bottom lanes, and at the center point for middle lane), they begin to do the necessary exercises. Once their first objective is complete, the player can move to the next one. Once all three players are in the opposite enemy base, that team wins.

Note: The objectives are individual and can be progressed at the player’s own pace. They do not have to wait for their teammates to clear their objectives before progressing. This means one player may reach the base before their teammates. The match does not end until all three players are in the base.



CFA Basic Field Layout with Numbers.png

The Fields of Eshemere

Top Lane: Core
Objective 1: 10 Leg Raises
Objective 2: 20 Lateral Lunges (10 per side)
Objective 3: 20 Russian Twists (10 per side)

Middle Lane: Strength
Objective 1: 5 Burpees
Objective 2: 10 Thrusters
Objective 3: 10 V-Ups

Bottom Lane: Endurance
Objective 1: 30 Jumping Jacks
Objective 2: 20 Plank Jacks
Objective 3: 20 Mountain Climbers (10 per side)

Time is called when all three players reach the enemy base.

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