Monday 9/20

Perform 30 minutes of the steady-state cardio of your choice. This may include running, jogging, walking, cycling, rowing, etc.

Tuesday 9/21

For time

21-15-9 reps of


Glute Bridges


Wednesday 9/22

Combat / Skill Work

Beginner - 3 THR

Intermediate - 5 THR

Advanced - 7 THR

Perform 3 rotations as fast as possible.

Rest 1 minute

3 rotations

Rest 1 minute

3 rotations

Thursday 9/23

12 minute AMRAP

20 jumping jacks

10 lateral shuffles

20 mountain climbers

10 lateral shuffles

20 runner’s skips

Each circuit, alternate which leg you use for runner’s skips.

Friday 9/24

Complete the following workout:



Perform each exercise at the following tempo

4 seconds descending

1 second hold at bottom

4 seconds ascending

1 second hold at top

Perform 5 reps in the first set, 4 in the second, 3 in the third, 2 in the fourth, and 1 in the final set.

Rest 1 minute between circuits.