the pixie queen’s lair

room three


You hear the shuffling and heavy breathing of a huge wolf as you enter the room. It lays eyes on you and bares its fangs. As you prepare for another fight, a wisp appears to block your path as well.


HP: 2 | Reps: 3

EXP: 20


HP: 4 | Reps: 3

EXP: 45

After felling the wisp and wolf, you find another chest. Roll a d20 to discover its contents.

1-5: Empty

6-10: Potion

11-15: 100 Gold

16-19: Body Gear

20: Body Gear and 100 Gold

If you roll the Body Gear, roll again to determine the Role that it is for:

1-5: Tank

6-10: Healer

11-15: Caster Damage Dealer

16-20: Physical Damage Dealer

If you got gear for your current Role, you can equip it immediately, reducing the third exercise in your Moveset by 1 rep if it’s in your Rotation.