the trial of kot’ar

the enchanted isle

Off the coast of Kot’ar is a tropical island as dangerous as it is beautiful. There, gods and goddesses foreign to the peoples of Legarren reign supreme. Due to the ephemeral nature of magics on the island and the public’s general unfamiliarity with it, it has gained the moniker “The Enchanted Isle.” 

As you head to the city of Port Edgewater to get information about your final Trial, you find that there are a lot of people gathered around a ship preparing to sail. You manage to track down someone in the crowd who tells you that a group of treasure hunters are about to set out to the Enchanted Isle.  The tomb of the god of storms, Juracan, has been located and there are reports of great riches within. There have been other parties who attempted to raid the tomb, but none ever returned.

Word of your past Trials has reached the bustling city of Port Edgewater, and a nearby man recognizes you. “I think we can beat them to the treasure,” he says. “Especially with you leading the way.” He leads you to a smaller sailboat moored at the far end of the pier. With a glint in your eye, you accept the challenge…

challenge one

You arrive at the beautiful Enchanted Isle and find yourself at the sandy entrance to a jungle trail. After some travelling through the underbrush, you manage to locate a series of stone statues with artwork carved into them. The carvings depict twin gods born of the Lifegiver, one of which was jealous and angry. He became the god of storms who supposedly lies inside the tomb. After viewing the last carving, you feel a rumbling in the earth. A stone monster rises up in front of the door, barring your passage!

Objective: Defeat the Stone Gatekeeper before he enrages!

stone gatekeeper

Hit Points: 20
Rotation Exercises: 2
Defense: 6
Enrage: 9 minutes


1st Mechanic Phase: Stone Fist - Mountain Climbers. Penalty: Lose 1 HP

2nd Mechanic Phase: Petrification - Jumping Jacks. Penalty: -1 DMG per Rotation in the next Damage Phase.

Difficulty Chart:

Novice performs 10 reps of each mechanic exercise.
Intermediate perform 15 reps of each mechanic exercise.
Advanced performs 20 reps of each mechanic exercise.

challenge two

As the Stone Gatekeeper falls, you move into the halls of the Tomb. it’s a fairly straightforward path and you find yourself in a room with a pit dividing it. There are two totems on the walls, demonstrating a dance of worship to Juracan.

Objective: Complete the Dance of Worship workout within the time limit!

dance of worship

5 rounds of:
15 kettlebell sumo deadlift high pulls
15 kettlebell goblet squats

All rounds must be completed within a 10 minute time cap.

difficulty chart:

Novice: 25 pound kettlebell for men, 10 pound kettlebell for women
Intermediate: 35 pound kettlebell for men, 18 pound kettlebell for women
Advanced: 45 pound kettlebell for men, 25 pound kettlebell for women

challenge three

You complete the Dance of Worship and a swirling wind picks up from the pit in the center of the room. It solidifies into a bridge across the gap, which you quickly scamper over. In the next room, you find a suit of armor holding a giant sword and shield. As you approach, an electrical being fills the armor and attacks!

Objective: Defeat the Storm Knight before he enrages!

storm knight

HP: 22
Exercises: 3
Defense: 6
Enrage: 11 minutes


1st Mechanic Phase: Stormwinds - Russian Twists. Penalty: Damage Down

2nd Mechanic Phase: Lightning Blade - V-Ups. Penalty: 1 DMG plus Paralyzed status - must add a burpee to every rotation until cleansed.

difficulty chart:

Novice: 12 Seated Sidewinders and 12 Reverse Crunches in their respective mechanics phases.
Intermediate: 12 Russian Twists and 12 Single Leg V-Ups in their respective mechanics phases.
Advanced: 6 Weighted Russian Twists and 6 V-Ups in their respective mechanics phases.

challenge four

The Storm Knight falls, and you walk through the corridor behind him into the next room. The room is empty save for a stone tablet and a metallic sculpture. The tablet reads, “To reach the eye of the storm, you must transport the heart of the god to the body. Be warned, mortal, that the heart of a god is sacred and must never be soiled…”

You pick up the heart and stare down an impossibly long bridge with a pit on either side Wicked winds threaten to blow you off, but the weight of the heart keeps you grounded. You set off to the eye of the storm…

Objective: Complete the Bridge of Gales workout within the time cap!

bridge of gales

Perform a 20 yard suitcase carry with a kettlebell for 20 repetitions. If you drop the kettlebell, a burpee must be performed before continuing.

difficulty chart:

Novice: 25 pound kettlebell for men, 10 pound kettlebell for women
Intermediate: 35 pound kettlebell for men, 18 pound kettlebell for women
Advanced: 45 pound kettlebell for men, 25 pound kettlebell for women

challenge five

You traverse the Bridge of Gales and deliver the metal heart to an enormous stone statue in the center of the next room. As the heart sinks into a bespoke depression, electricity begins to crackle across the room. The stone creaks and crumbles, revealing a revived god of storms! Juracan stands before you, seething with energy. “You’ve reached your final trial, mortal,” booms Juracan. “If you are to be considered worthy of my treasure and legacy, you must best me in battle. Let us begin…”

Objective: Defeat Juracan!

juracan, god of storms

HP: 24
Exercises: 2
Defense: 6
Enrage: 11 minutes


1st Mechanics Phase: Horizontal Gusts - Squats to dodge. Penalty: 1 DMG
2nd Mechanics Phase: Lightning Strikes - Speed Skaters to dodge. Penalty: 1 DMG
3rd Mechanics Phase: Subdue - Superman to resist. Penalty: Damage Down for 1 DMG phase.

difficulty chart:

Novice: 9 target squats, 9 stepping toe touches, and 10 second superman in their respective mechanics phases.
Intermediate: 18 target squats, 18 stepping toe touches, and 15 second superman in their respective mechanics phases.
Advanced: 9 squats, 9 speed skaters, and 20 second superman in their respective mechanics phases.

phase shift

After dealing 24 DMG to Juracan, he unleashes the fury of the storm. You need to dodge the lightning strikes and flying debris to survive!

3 rounds of:
Speed Skaters
Kettlebell Deadlifts
Burpee Box Jump-Overs

All rounds must be completed within an 8 minute time cap. If you do not have a plyo box, jump over a target like a yoga block or the kettlebell used for deadlifts.

difficulty chart:

Novice: 9 speed skaters, 6 kettlebell deadlifts, 3 burpee step-overs.
Intermediate: 12 speed skaters, 9 kettlebell deadlifts, 6 burpee jump-overs.
Advanced: 21 speed skaters, 15 kettlebell deadlifts, 9 burpee jump-overs.

phase 2: juracan, the awakened

HP: 24
Exercises: 3
Defense: 4
Enrage: 11 minutes


1st Mechanics Phase: Downpour - Plank. Penalty: 1 DMG. Even on success, add Heavy status. Add 5 reps to next mechanics phase unless cleansed.

2nd Mechanics Phase: Shock - Kettlebell Swings. Penalty: Damage Down for 1 Damage Phase.

3rd Mechanics Phase: Torrent - Chair Pose. Penalty: 1 DMG.

difficulty chart:

Novice: 10 second plank, 5 kettlebell swings, and 10 second chair pose in their respective mechanics phases.
Intermediate: 15 second plank, 8 kettlebell swings, and 15 second chair pose in their respective mechanics phases.
Advanced: 20 second plank, 12 kettlebell swings, and 20 second chair pose in their respective mechanics phases.

You defeat the god of storms and he drops to one knee. “Very good, adventurer! You’ve earned the right to my treasures and legacy. From now on, may your people know you as the Slayer of Storms.”

You obtain a lightning stone, which can be melded into armor to prevent the Paralyzed status effect.

Your final Trial is complete! You return to your life of adventure, in search what challenges await you around the next corner…