week of 9/6/2021
Labor Day Special
21 minute AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) of:
9 push-ups
6 squats
20 jumping jacks
Modified/Knee Push-Ups
Target Squats
Jumping Jacks
Jumping Jacks
Decline Push-ups
Jumping Squats
Star Jumps / Plyo Jacks
Complete the following:
Run 3 minutes
20 Rows
30 Deadlifts
Rest 2 minutes
30 Deadlifts
20 Rows
Run 3 minutes
If you can’t run outside, do 3 minutes of jump rope or toe taps to a target.
Doorway Rows
Dumbbell Deadlifts or Toe Touches
Ring Rows or Dumbbell Rows
Dumbbell Deadlifts
Dumbbell Rows or Pull-Ups
Barbell Deadlifts
12 Minute EMOM (Every Minute On the Minute)
Minute 1: 10 glute bridges, then hollow hold
Minute 2: 20 mountain climbers, then superman hold
For Time
100 jump rope or lateral hops
30 ground to overhead
30 rows
20 ground to overhead
20 rows
10 ground to overhead
10 rows
100 jump rope or lateral hops
14 minute AMRAP
1 burpee
15 jumping jacks
2 burpees
15 jumping jacks
3 burpees
15 jumping jacks
4 burpees
15 jumping jacks
Keep adding a burpee each time. Get as far as you can in the time limit!
Week of 9/13/2021
Monday 9/13
For Time
10 Push-Ups
10 Lunges
8 Push-Ups
8 Lunges
Follow the pattern, decreasing reps by 2 each time. Rep counts are 10, 8, 6, 4, 2.
Tuesday 9/14
Every other minute on the minute:
-1 min of cardio
-2 burpees and rest the remainder of the second minute
Wednesday 9/15
Combat sim for time:
Inflict 10 DMG
Beginner - 3 THR
Intermediate - 5 THR
Advanced - 7 THR
Thursday 9/16
Perform the following:
50 speed skaters
rest 1 minute
50 lateral hops
rest 1 minute
50 Runner’s skips
Rest 3 minutes
Repeat, leading with opposite leg on Runner’s Skips
Friday 9/17
Three rounds of:
30 seconds on, 30 seconds off
-wall sit
week of 9/20
Monday 9/20
Perform 30 minutes of the steady-state cardio of your choice. This may include running, jogging, walking, cycling, rowing, etc.
Tuesday 9/21
For time
21-15-9 reps of
Glute Bridges
Wednesday 9/22
Combat / Skill Work
Beginner - 3 THR
Intermediate - 5 THR
Advanced - 7 THR
Perform 3 rotations as fast as possible.
Rest 1 minute
3 rotations
Rest 1 minute
3 rotations
Thursday 9/23
12 minute AMRAP
20 jumping jacks
10 lateral shuffles
20 mountain climbers
10 lateral shuffles
20 runner’s skips
Each circuit, alternate which leg you use for runner’s skips.
Friday 9/24
Complete the following workout:
Perform each exercise at the following tempo
4 seconds descending
1 second hold at bottom
4 seconds ascending
1 second hold at top
Perform 5 reps in the first set, 4 in the second, 3 in the third, 2 in the fourth, and 1 in the final set.
Rest 1 minute between circuits.
Week of 9/27
Monday 9/27
Complete the following:
Pelvic Tilt 3 sets of 10
Crunch 3 sets of 10
Active Straight Leg Raise 3 sets of 10
Side Plank 3 sets of 30 seconds per side
Deadbug 3 sets of 10 each side
Forearm Plank 3 sets of 30 seconds
Tuesday 9/21
Every minute on the minute for 12 minutes
Evens: 5 Burpees
Odds: 20 Lateral Jumps
Wednesday 9/22
Complete 10 of each exercise, then 9 of each, 8 of each, etc. until all are completed.
Thursday 9/23
Perform 30 minutes of the steady-state cardio of your choice. This may include running, jogging, walking, cycling, rowing, etc.
Friday 9/24
Combat / Skill Work
Beginner - 3 THR
Intermediate - 5 THR
Advanced - 7 THR
Perform 4 rotations as fast as possible.
Rest 1 minute
4 rotations
Rest 1 minute
4 rotations
Monday 10/04
Pyramid sets of:
Tuesday 10/05
Complete 40 minutes of steady-state cardio of your choice.
Wednesday 10/06
Perform 5 rounds of your combat rotation as fast as possible
Beginner - 3 THR
Intermediate - 5 THR
Advanced - 7 THR
Rest 1 minute
5 rounds
Rest 1 minute
5 rounds
Thursday 10/07
20 minute AMRAP
20 jumping jacks
10 lateral shuffles
20 mountain climbers
10 lateral shuffles
20 runner’s skips
Alternate leading leg each set of runner’s skips
Friday 10/08
Three rounds of:
30 seconds on, 30 seconds off
-wall sit
Compare to 9/17
Monday 10/11
Perform 30 minutes of the steady-state cardio of your choice. This may include running, jogging, walking, cycling, rowing, etc.
Tuesday 10/12
For time
21-15-9 reps of
Glute Bridges
Wednesday 10/13
Combat / Skill Work
Beginner - 3 THR
Intermediate - 5 THR
Advanced - 7 THR
Perform 3 rotations as fast as possible.
Rest 1 minute
3 rotations
Rest 1 minute
3 rotations
Thursday 10/14
12 minute AMRAP
20 jumping jacks
10 lateral shuffles
20 mountain climbers
10 lateral shuffles
20 runner’s skips
Each circuit, alternate which leg you use for runner’s skips.
Friday 10/15
Complete the following workout:
Perform each exercise at the following tempo
4 seconds descending
1 second hold at bottom
4 seconds ascending
1 second hold at top
Perform 5 reps in the first set, 4 in the second, 3 in the third, 2 in the fourth, and 1 in the final set.
Rest 1 minute between circuits.
Monday 10/25
Combat / Skill Work
Beginner - 3 THR
Intermediate - 5 THR
Advanced - 7 THR
Perform 6 rotations as fast as possible.
Rest 1 minute
6 rotations
Rest 1 minute
6 rotations
Tuesday 10/26
Complete 4 rounds of the following:
10 Plank Walkouts (Inch Worms)
20 Russian Twists
20 V-Ups (or 10 Single Leg V-Ups per side)
60 second Superman
10 Side Plank Rotations per side
Wednesday 10/27
Perform 30 minutes of the steady-state cardio of your choice. This may include running, jogging, walking, cycling, rowing, etc.
Thursday 10/28
Perform the following circuit 4 times, resting 2 minutes between each.
50 speed skaters (25 per side)
1 minute rest
50 lateral hops (25 per side)
1 minute rest
25 runner’s skips
Each circuit, alternate which leg you use for runner’s skips.
Friday 10/29
Perform the following circuit 3 times, resting 1 minute before each new set of burpees.
10 burpees
30 squats
10 burpees
20 push-ups
10 burpees
60 second plank
week of 11/8/2021
Monday 11/8
Perform 30 minutes of the steady-state cardio of your choice. This may include running, jogging, walking, cycling, rowing, etc.
Tuesday 11/9
15 minute AMRAP
5 Push-Ups
5 Squats
Perform 5 circuits of the following:
1 minute lunges
1 minute side plank (30s per side)
Wednesday 11/10
Perform 30 minutes of the steady-state cardio of your choice. This may include running, jogging, walking, cycling, rowing, etc.
Thursday 11/11
8 Minute AMRAP
10 push-ups
10 crunches
10 air squats
10 mountain climber (each side)
10 plank rows (each side)
Friday 11/12
Perform 30 minutes of the steady-state cardio of your choice. This may include running, jogging, walking, cycling, rowing, etc.
Monday 11/22
Perform 30 minutes of the steady-state cardio of your choice. This may include running, jogging, walking, cycling, rowing, etc.
Tuesday 11/23
15 minute AMRAP
5 Push-Ups
10 Squats
15 Crunches
Perform 5 circuits of the following:
1 minute twisting lunges
1 minute plank
1 minute glute bridge hold
Wednesday 11/24
Perform 30 minutes of the steady-state cardio of your choice. This may include running, jogging, walking, cycling, rowing, etc.
Thursday 11/25
REST DAY for American Thanksgiving
Friday 11/26
Perform 30 minutes of the steady-state cardio of your choice. This may include running, jogging, walking, cycling, rowing, etc.
Saturday 11/27
15 minute AMRAP of:
5 Triceps Dips
10 Russian Twists (5 per side)
15 leg lifts
5 Circuits of:
1 minute reaching sit-ups
1 minute superman
1 minute sumo squats
Monday 11/29
Combat / Skill Work
Beginner - 3 THR
Intermediate - 5 THR
Advanced - 7 THR
Perform 6 rotations as fast as possible.
Rest 1 minute
6 rotations
Rest 1 minute
6 rotations
Tuesday 11/30
Complete 4 rounds of the following:
10 Plank Walkouts (Inch Worms)
20 Russian Twists
20 V-Ups (or 10 Single Leg V-Ups per side)
60 second Superman
10 Side Plank Rotations per side
Wednesday 12/1
Perform 30 minutes of the steady-state cardio of your choice. This may include running, jogging, walking, cycling, rowing, etc.
Thursday 12/2
Perform the following circuit 4 times, resting 2 minutes between each.
50 speed skaters (25 per side)
1 minute rest
50 lateral hops (25 per side)
1 minute rest
25 runner’s skips
Each circuit, alternate which leg you use for runner’s skips.
Friday 12/3
Perform the following circuit 3 times, resting 1 minute before each new set of burpees.
10 burpees
30 squats
10 burpees
20 push-ups
10 burpees
60 second plank
Monday 12/6
Complete the following:
Pelvic Tilt 3 sets of 10
Crunch 3 sets of 10
Active Straight Leg Raise 3 sets of 10
Side Plank 3 sets of 30 seconds per side
Deadbug 3 sets of 10 each side
Forearm Plank 3 sets of 30 seconds
Tuesday 12/7
Every minute on the minute for 12 minutes
Evens: 5 Burpees
Odds: 20 Lateral Jumps
Wednesday 12/8
Complete 10 of each exercise, then 9 of each, 8 of each, etc. until all are completed.
Thursday 12/9
Perform 30 minutes of the steady-state cardio of your choice. This may include running, jogging, walking, cycling, rowing, etc.
Friday 12/10
Combat / Skill Work
Beginner - 3 THR
Intermediate - 5 THR
Advanced - 7 THR
Perform 4 rotations as fast as possible.
Rest 1 minute
4 rotations
Rest 1 minute
4 rotations
Monday 12/13
Perform 30 minutes of the steady-state cardio of your choice. This may include running, jogging, walking, cycling, rowing, etc.
Tuesday 12/14
15 minute AMRAP
5 Push-Ups
5 Squats
Perform 5 circuits of the following:
1 minute lunges
1 minute side plank (30s per side)
Wednesday 12/15
Perform 30 minutes of the steady-state cardio of your choice. This may include running, jogging, walking, cycling, rowing, etc.
Thursday 12/16
8 Minute AMRAP
10 push-ups
10 crunches
10 air squats
10 mountain climber (each side)
10 plank rows (each side)
Friday 12/17
Perform 30 minutes of the steady-state cardio of your choice. This may include running, jogging, walking, cycling, rowing, etc.
A workout in remembrance of my mother on her birthday:
4 Rounds of:
12 Burpees
17 Kettlebell Swings
55 Single-Under Jump Rope
‘Twas the week before Critmas, and all through Legarren
No presents were given, the tabletops barren;
The people were frightened of creatures so wild,
So inside they stayed, their duties exiled;
When appeared an adventurer new to their town,
Who when facing the creatures would never back down;
They cried out for help and with nary a doubt,
The adventurer said “I’m down to work out.”
Monday 12/20
The people of Eyrie Hill are unable to pick up their presents from neighboring Fallstead for fear of the creatures terrorizing them. The mayor of the town begs your help in escorting the carriage to Fallstead and saving Critmas for Eyrie Hill.
Perform 30 minutes of the steady-state cardio of your choice. This may include running, jogging, walking, cycling, rowing, etc.
Tuesday 12/21
As you guide the carriage south through the snowy fields, you spy a poorly-disguised ambush in the making. You prepare for battle!
Defeat the bandits by performing the following workout:
9 combat rotations at 5 reps to hit
Perform 10 jumping jacks between each rotation.
After defeating the bandits, you find a small reindeer that appears to have been hiding from them. It’s injured, and you bring it along with you to Fallstead.
Wednesday 12/22
Upon arriving at Fallstead, you bring the reindeer to the local veterinarian. She states the young one will not survive without a tonic made from berries found in the Eshemere Plains. She tasks you with finding them.
Perform the following workout to gather:
1 minute cardio move of choice (jumping jacks, high knees, jog in place)
20 mountain climbers (10 per side)
10 squats, touching the ground with your fingertips.
This workout will yield 1 cluster of berries.
Repeat the workout until you have gathered 10 clusters of berries.
You return to the veterinarian and she begins making the tonic. You stay the night in Fallstead as the people from Eyrie Hill gather the presents to deliver home.
Thursday 12/23
It’s time to return to Eyrie Hill! The vet tells you that the reindeer is feeling much better. She researched with local hunters and trappers, and found that his home is actually nearby Eyrie Hill. You bring it along with you.
Perform 30 minutes of the steady-state cardio of your choice. This may include running, jogging, walking, cycling, rowing, etc.
Friday 12/24
A terrible storm rolls in as you travel back to Eyrie Hill. Soon, the path is completely blocked by a blizzard. The animals leading the carriage are unable to find their way, and the expedition seems doomed.
In the darkness, you see an odd light shining from the carriage. It’s the young reindeer, his nose glowing bright red! The driver tells you it may be enough to see the way home. Unfortunately, the reindeer won’t be able to keep his nose lit without an infusion of Crit energy from you.
It’s time to save Critmas and power the way home!
Perform the following workout to light the way:
1 Burpee
2 Sumo Squats
3 Leg Raises
4 Star Jumps
5 Triceps Dips
6 Bicycle Crunches
7 Hip Bridges
8 Mountain Climbers (each side)
9 Squat Jumps
10 Alternating Lunges
11 Jumping Jacks
12 Plank Shoulder Taps
For added challenge, perform this in the manner of “12 Days of Christmas” - 1 burpee, 2 sumo squats and 1 burpee, 3 leg raises 2 sumo squats and 1 burpee, ETC.
You arrive back at Eyrie Hill, presents in tow. Thanks to you, Critmas is saved, and the town has a new guiding light. Great job, adventurer!
Monday 12/27
Combat / Skill Work
Beginner - 3 THR
Intermediate - 5 THR
Advanced - 7 THR
Perform 6 rotations as fast as possible.
Rest 1 minute
6 rotations
Rest 1 minute
6 rotations
Tuesday 12/28
Complete 4 rounds of the following:
10 Plank Walkouts (Inch Worms)
20 Russian Twists
20 V-Ups (or 10 Single Leg V-Ups per side)
60 second Superman
10 Side Plank Rotations per side
Wednesday 12/29
Perform 30 minutes of the steady-state cardio of your choice. This may include running, jogging, walking, cycling, rowing, etc.
Thursday 12/30
Perform the following circuit 4 times, resting 2 minutes between each.
50 speed skaters (25 per side)
1 minute rest
50 lateral hops (25 per side)
1 minute rest
25 runner’s skips
Each circuit, alternate which leg you use for runner’s skips.
Friday 12/31
Perform the following circuit 3 times, resting 1 minute before each new set of burpees.
10 burpees
30 squats
10 burpees
20 push-ups
10 burpees
60 second plank